My mother in law just told me a super story involving her other, non-Hubby son. Apparently he recently told her the best years of his life are over because his wife wants to have a baby. Now that is hilarious on so many levels. First of all, he can’t really think that. I know he is scared of babies and I can’t imagine him even holding one (let alone changing one at 2:30am), but he thinks children are funny and, honestly, we all have to start somewhere. Second of all, he knew this day was coming. Since she’s been in grad school and planning to have a baby as soon as she is done, he’s had a few years to plan for the assault he is going to undergo—aka he’s known it’s been coming for a long time and should, after three years, be prepared by now. Thirdly, why would you say that to your mother? I’m sorry, but when people tell me they want to make babies I immediately have to force myself not to envision what that entails. I’m not talking pornographic videos playing in my mind or anything, but you know what I mean: I do know where babies come from. So telling that to your mom? No thank you. And lastly, although I am sure there are many other reasons I find this funny and awful at the same time, he makes it sound as if he has no say in the situation. Let’s hope he actually does. He must, right? I mean, they’re not getting any younger, and he definitely doesn’t wear the pants in the family,
but he does have to consent to play some very important roles,

including dominant family breadwinner and sperm donor,
among others. Although they are in their mid-thirties, it wouldn’t
kill her to give him another few months. I guess he just won’t
be ready no matter when it happens and he’s just sharing his
angst with his mama. (And actually, it would kill her to wait
another few months. By the time she graduates she’ll have
had a solid six months of prep-work under her belt—and
lots of sessions asking me questions and telling me things
I’m really not prepared to hear about). But I love ‘em!