Sometimes, if I want to be enthralled and grossed out at the same time, I watch I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant on TLC. It is amazing and I highly recommend watching it, if you can restrain yourself from throwing things at your television. Each episode has several examples of women who suddenly give birth and are flabbergasted it is happening. Really? Are you the Virgin Mary or something?You just gained a few pounds, had a stomach bug for a couple weeks, and missed your period for most of the year? What a coincidence. The kicker is, the show is a whole hour and there are many episodes. Unbelievable!
The only way I find this inspiring is –if I ever get pregnant—it is possible I don’t have any “symptoms” of pregnancy and just pop out a baby too; no morning-sickness, no hemorrhoids, no hormonal rages—just suddenly a perfectly healthy and cute baby outta nowhere. I suppose the downside is you don't even have a carseat to bring home the baby...let alone the start of a college fund. I mean, I guess I believe these stories…but wow, right?
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