That’s really my style though I guess: take care of yourself as long as you can and then I guess we can get you in for an appointment. Luckily I’m not having annoyance-flashes this week as I was last, because my doctor and her office would have sent me on a rampage. I don’t think you want people on a rampage in the hospital…After waiting for 50 minutes, and filling out four pages of forms I had already completed during the bloodwork from hell visit, I got a ticket for one free hour of parking and to meet my doctor (after peeing on something first, naturally). She is a very nice lady, laid back too, which, again is my style. But we had to spend an hour going over my medical history and plug
ging it into the computer. Being a nerdy, somewhat nervous doctor who clearly didn’t do much typing, that hour turned into more like an hour and a half because of all the deleting and retyping that had to happen. Next time I’m getting a secretary in there. Just shorthand that stuff: healthy, check. If I wasn’t desperately waiting to hear the baby’s heartbeat I would have probably said a polite thank you and left early. Of course we couldn’t hear the heartbear anyway, after all that.

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