Or should I say we’re everywhere.Pregnant ladies that is. Literally, I see them everywhere. Did you know the lady two doors down is pregnant? How about at least one woman at every train stop on the way to and from work? And the opposing coach from the other day? I even saw some mama in the Boston Marathon with a six months preggers belly (she advertised the date on her back). None of the others have made me feel lazy, but that was bound to happen now wasn’t it. Jeez I guess I am slacking.
Hubby’s getting into strollers, so that’s what he sees everywhere. His fave is this BOB doohickey he’s trying to get me to save up for. Really Hubs? You need this four-wheel drive, double-decker contraption with shocks? I don’t even know what BOB is, but I suppose as long as one of us is doing the research I’m feeling good. Well, except about that bitch showing me up in the marathon.
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