1. Chub-rub

what fat girls experience when their inner-upper thighs rub together so much they get chaffed and rashes break out. It usually is accompanied by sweat and foul odors
I have to say I am a bit offended that UrbanDictionary.com is basically calling me a “fat girl.” And I’m pretty sure it’s “chafed” not “chaffed,” assholes. In my previous experience chub-rub stems from ill-fitting shorts and does not emit foul odors either, but maybe that’s just me. I’d rather skip considering the foul odors if at all possible. Either way if chub-rub occurrence equates to chubbiness then I am getting chubbier. I would like to blame it on the Colorado summer heat but deep down I know I just have to blame it on the baby. And that chocolate crepe I just had. And that I’m still just wearing regular clothes when maybe it’s time to hit the maternity store…my one pair of stretchy-waisted shorts are made of material that really just encourages sweating, which, as we have learned, brings about the chub rub. Alas.