I am starting to feel that every day until this baby comes should be considered an independence day; can we get some sparklers and BBW up in here? I can still do whatever the heck I want and nobody can stop me (that’s right Hubby). For example, today, we went for a hike. We took a while to get motivated, choose a route, get in the car, and figure out which trail to take—but it didn’t matter because nobody could complain. Nobody had to go to the bathroom two minutes after we passed the outhouse (well, except for me, but I’m in charge so that doesn’t count). Nobody got hungry just because it was lunch time (well, probably the dog but what’s new). Nobody cried for no reason (again, except for me, but that was yesterday). Looking back, it was a glorious care free day of celebrating our nation’s birth. Fireworks were cancelled due to amazing rainstorms, but we watched a movie, ate something delicious, and putzed around the house. And we got the movie at RedBox, where again nobody was more important than our [my] decision between Leonardo diCaprio and Johnny Depp, and there wasn’t even a store clerk to pester us. In case you care, Leo won this time, but not without several minutes of re-reading the blurbs, double-checking the ever-important looks of the cover, and finally just deciding on Leo because part of that one was filmed in Boston where we used to live. Hey, I’ve had enough serious deciding from what stinkin’ diapers to buy for the next three years. Independence days, I salute you every second until…you know.
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