We left Colorado for the week; two great people who I’m lucky to have as friends tied the knot in beauteous Vermont and we got invited. Yay! So, we took my mom up on her offer of a free “companion” ticket she can’t use, borrowed a car, visited my family, went to the wedding, and are visiting Hubby’s family too. I know I will never go back to New England without making the rounds—it’s stupid to not have time for people we love. I think losing my baby (he’s not lost, technically, but it’s a simple way to say it I guess) made me realize that I have to get over myself, my introversion, the fact that sometimes people tire me out, and just visit friends and family whenever I can. They won’t always be there, and I sure as hell don’t want to miss ‘em while they’re here! I guess I didn’t really avoid these kinds of people before, I’m not that lame, but now more than ever I want to put myself out there and be pushy and insert myself in their lives at every opportunity. I feel ridiculous that my baby had to die for me to really think about it this way (there must be a better lesson plan somewhere), but such is life I suppose. It’s not easy, it’s not straightforward, it certainly isn’t fair, and even when it feels crappy we have to try to make the most of it. It’s all we can do. A wedding is a good distraction; the dance party was amazing, I chugged a beer for the first time in…a long time…and we got to focus on some happiness with tons of funny people we love and hope to share our lives with forever. That’s so cheesy and a little preachy and I just don’t care.
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