Now, I don’t want to share my friend’s secret with you, hence you will never hear her name,
address, Twitter account or whatever cool things kids use for ID these days, but I do want to share that I was able to be happy—no ecstatic—for her. I got all jittery and hyper like Hubby on Christmas morning. This is a big deal for me because I really feared that my friends would all start getting pregnant and I would flip out from jealousy. I was supposed to have a baby first, you know? Be the expert on colic and cloth diapers and surviving on no sleep and all that stuff. My plans changed…but that doesn’t mean anyone else’s did, and that’s a hard pill to swallow (like my stupid B-complex ones that don’t have a coating and are HUGE). So anyway, my point is not to share dear friends’ secrets, even though I did, it is that I made it past a big hurdle and it felt like stepping over a staple instead of a steeplechase jump. Yay me!

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