I had my three months check up today and it was fine. I say fine in the exact sense of the word: meh. It was not great, but it was not awful. It was not memorable for good or bad things. It wasn’t really happy and uplifting, but there wasn’t any bad news either. It just kind of
was, and this is not the experience I am looking for in my “state.” I had to reschedule from an early morning time to 11:15 because the good doctor was going to be in surgery. I hope said surgery made a crying, pooping, healthy baby. Anyway, after this visit I recommended to myself that I not reschedule for the same day any more if they ask me. Once was enough, and here is why:

We waited the usual time in the waiting room which is a wonderful three minutes, approximately. Then I got weighed and we went into the exam room. So far we have only been in one of the four rooms, the one with the ultrasound machine from 1988, so I suspect it is a kind of segregation for pregnant ladies. Blood pressure was taken, as usual, and I asked if I could do the urine sample now instead of at the end because man did I have to pee. For some reason I always get nervous I won’t “produce” so I chug water on the drive and then really have to go by the time I get there. Anyway, she said no, I had to wait, which made me suspect we would be having an ultrasound because they like your bladder to be full so it pushes on the uterus and makes Baby more visible. This was a good thing. Waiting 20 minutes for the exam to begin while having to pee that much was the negative side. When Doc finally arrived, he asked me if I was “showing” yet. Last visit he told me I would be showing by this visit. Since I am not, I said “no, not really” and he said, “hmm, you should be showing by now” and instantly made me feel nervous and guilty. I swear, I’m trying to show, if that’s good! Then, he had me lie down and blobbed some gel on my belly to find the heartbeat. This was immediate and thunderous, which is good. We listened for about twenty seconds and he didn’t even tell us what the heart rate was, which is bad. Then he switched on the ol’ ultrasound and rubbed the wand over the previously applied gel and we got to see Nugget, which is good. He took a couple measurements which showed perfect growth and Nugget did a few punches before taking a nap, which is also good. This lasted less than, oh, 60 seconds, and we couldn’t get a good picture, which is bad. Then he asked me a couple questions, I asked him a question, and he was out the door. It was unclear if the visit was over, so Hubby and I made some faces at each other, but he came back with a business card for something and was even more rushed and then left for real. I got to give my urine sample, which is good. The more I thought about what just happened (because it felt like it did “just happen” and I didn’t really get to participate) I felt disturbed by the brevity, which is bad. As we got in the car we saw Doctor taking out the office recycling to his car, which is funny.

Hubby assures me it was a good visit because we did not hear any bad news, get lectured, or have extra time spent on anything. I have to agree, but the rest of it combined with the good part makes me really call it just
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