Does Nugget look something like this? |
Well, Nugget is growing on track. Maybe a little small, but not small enough for the doctor to freak me out and not enough to change anything I’m doing. I suppose I could eat more, even though I already feel like I eat every time I’m hungry and then some, but I suppose I don’t need to be making my own prenatal advice. Doc took a bunch of ultrasound measurements (and recorded it on DVD for us—how modern!) and came up with a 23 week 2 day “gestational age.” According to the first “dating” ultrasound, Nugget’s supposed to be 24 weeks old. So it’s not that big of a difference…but every little thing can make me wonder, especially this time around. Anyway, it was cool to check in again on the bones and organs and little profile growing in there.

Apparently, it has Hubby’s head shape, which is long and skinny rather than circular like most babies’. This made that measurement hard to get, and the doctor kind of laughed when Hubby asked “what does that mean?” “Well, it looks like one of you” said the doctor, giving Hubby’s head the once over and not feeding into Hub’s insecurity about his alien-head. Apparently Nugget is an active baby too, so that’s super. The wiggling made it so we didn’t see any private parts and therefore learn about them by accident. Of course we took home the DVD and watched it to see if we had any ideas. Which we don’t. I can’t even tell when we’re looking at a stomach or a placenta, let alone miniature genitalia, really. Doc said he “didn’t really look but has a good idea” so we can’t tell if we think that means there was a penis which is easy to spot, or a lack of penis which is also easy to spot. That’s okay because even if the suspense is difficult to manage it’s fun to have no clue! Everything looks good is really a good enough report.
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