I did it—not only did I meet and hold the newest baby on the block, but also I babysat her for the first time her mom left her. Not too shabby, right? We were pretty proud of ourselves when we realized mama hadn’t been away from her babe yet. But it was her birthday, and she needed a fun drink, dammit.
Anyway, my newborn anxiety was gone by the time I met her. I think I psyched myself up so much last time that it just went smoothly this time. Even though we never made it over to see her after all that psyching up, it still was effective: it got my jitters out I guess, despite the time lapse. She was just this tiny little girl. She had those newborn white bumps on her face and sounded like a puppy when she slept. She was her own little semi-person and didn’t remind me of Wyatt at all. I guess I just thought it was going to be worse, like I was going to feel guilty and sad and think about all the things Wyatt would have done when he was 9 days old. But I didn’t. Maybe because I’ll never know what he would have done when he was 9 days old, maybe because every little baby is different.
I just sort of held her and let her sleep on my lap, did some homework while Hubby took over, and kind of waited around for our brother and sister-in-law, the original babysitters, to come over. We gave them crap about being terrible godparents, the boys had beer, we read some book about baby poop, and came home after about an hour and a half. I felt so triumphant, so proud of myself. I played it cool though, no fist pumping or anything embarrassing. It was fist-pump-worthy though. And the best part is, now I’ve done it!
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