Monday, May 30, 2011

Friends rule!

We just had a ten day visit “back East” to visit family and friends and I already wish I could do it again. I love my friends. I love my family too, but we can talk about them some other time. My real friends are amazing. They look at my new belly and smile but don’t make weird comments about it or look at it sneakily like I would scold them for doing so. They know they can partake in my new life. My real friends acknowledge how hard this must be for me, even if they really have no clue because they haven’t been there themselves. They ask how I’m doing and I know they mean in my heart, not in my uterus. Or if they mean my uterus then I can tell the difference because they make it clear. They want to see photos of Wyatt and tell me how excited they are for another Josephine baby. They don’t say things like “oh, I know you’re going to be fine this time” because that is not true nor does it make me feel better. They ask questions excitedly. They give good hugs. I am glad for my friends and I hope Nugget gets some just like them someday, although I’m not sure how anyone could be so lucky. 
and who doesn't love triplet bear cubs
in their parents' backyard?

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