I can hardly believe 2011 starts tomorrow. It’s been 5 ½ months since we lost little baby Wyatt—how did that happen? Sometimes the time just flies; sometimes it drags ass. Looking out at the cold, windy street I can hardly remember how hot the summer was it seems so long ago…but when I was sitting in the apartment in July, sweating and having hot flashes, trying to get comfortable with a big ol’ belly, it surely felt like the days and days of heated misery would never end. Then, when Wyatt died, I thought time would never pass, the new year would never come, my pain would never subside.

But looking back on it, how the hell did I make it this far without him so quickly? I’m awesome! Hubby and I can seriously do anything after this! Isn’t time funny? Not really. I still want that damn time machine for fast-forwarding purposes.
Happy new year to all angel babies and babies-in-waiting alike! (and everybody else too, of course).
Enjoy your midnight booze-fueled-Snooki-ball-dropping party while I am in my fourth hour of sleep!
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