I was just checking earlier posts to see when, last time around, I complained about feeling like crap. It seems about this time last pregnancy, so I guess I’m right on schedule. I’m not sure if I find that reassuring or terrifying: I kind of hope things will be different this time around if you catch my drift. Anyway, as I noted before, it’s not so much morning sickness as really any-time sickness. For me, that usually means anywhere from 2-6pm (or later) I feel terrible. Not like I’m going to barf (which, as far as most people I know, only happens in the movies and on reality tv) just like I am death. A little sick to the stomach, a little hot or cold, a little wheezy, pretty bitchy, and a little misery. Mix together and enjoy. NOT. Luckily Hubby lets me moan and complain on the couch without being too suspicious, and even a bit helpful. If it were reversed I swear I would probably call him a wimp and think his complaining was bs. I can’t help it I’m a naysayer. I try, but I can’t.

Here’s what is good for morning sickness: sleeping.
Here’s what is bad for morning sickness: skiing at 10,000 feet in knee deep powder. But I do it anyway. I’m in Colorado for cripes’ sake.
What is cripes anyway? I had to investigate, and I prefer this definition from UrbanDictionary.com (which is amazing): Cripes--an exclamation found somewhere in between the words 'crap' and 'Christ.'
PS. There are a lot of gross comics regarding morning sickness
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