Monday, August 23, 2010

Support Group

I never pictured myself attending any kind of help group. I never pictured a lot of things that are now a part of my reality, so, here we are. I’m certainly not against groups, and as someone who’s been around psychology and education a lot I think they’re legit. Just, personally, talking exhausts me. Especially to strangers. Yikes! If the definition of an introvert is someone who needs alone time to recharge from others then that’s me in a nutshell. But when the hospital solace person mentioned a support group for parents of pregnancy or infant loss and suggested we give it a try, I didn’t even think twice. And now that we’ve been, I’ve even got Hubby thinking it’s a good idea.

The real problem is that everyone’s story is so sad! All these sad parents talking about their sweet little babies. Babies who kicked them and kept them up at night, babies who made them sick for three months and tired and cranky for more. Babies they gave birth to and held, babies who lived for two weeks or no weeks. Babies who were perfectly fine and babies who had severe health problems. Really, what can be sadder than sick and dead babies? Boy, it is exhausting. But it’s also liberating. I couldn’t even introduce myself without bursting into tears and using two tissues. It felt great!

While I can’t say every day is getting better, I can say longer stretches of time are getting better. This group is going to help with that. And I have found myself being sarcastic again…so maybe I’ll start sharing some of those stupid things again.

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