Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chub Rub

Yes, you heard me. And you know what I’m talking about. It’s when your shorts are just that wrong size or material so they get stuck between your legs where they climb up into your privacy and bunch there; front wedgie, if you will. It’s also when you have a skirt on and there’s nothing to bunch so it’s just your thighs rubbing together uncomfortably—this involves summertime and aerobic exercise (shorts can take over any time of year but bare skin needs a little assistance). When I Googled “chub rub” I found:

1. Chub-rub

what fat girls experience when their inner-upper thighs rub together so much they get chaffed and rashes break out. It usually is accompanied by sweat and foul odors

I have to say I am a bit offended that is basically calling me a “fat girl.” And I’m pretty sure it’s “chafed” not “chaffed,” assholes. In my previous experience chub-rub stems from ill-fitting shorts and does not emit foul odors either, but maybe that’s just me. I’d rather skip considering the foul odors if at all possible. Either way if chub-rub occurrence equates to chubbiness then I am getting chubbier. I would like to blame it on the Colorado summer heat but deep down I know I just have to blame it on the baby. And that chocolate crepe I just had. And that I’m still just wearing regular clothes when maybe it’s time to hit the maternity store…my one pair of stretchy-waisted shorts are made of material that really just encourages sweating, which, as we have learned, brings about the chub rub. Alas.

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