Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One hot mama

Yep, that’s me. Aren’t I modest? Well, really I’m talking temperature here. I mean, it is about 90 degrees everyday in the summer in Colorado and the sun does add quite a bit so if you are unfortunate enough to have to leave the shade then you really cook, but still, even compared to that, I’m hot. And I’m complaining, because it’s the kind of hot that really slows me down. If you know me, then you know I don’t like impediments. Sometimes I have to stop and just take a deep breath to try to get oxygen all the way down in my lungs; Hubby, bless him, says “You alright?” every time he catches me doing it. What I want to say sometimes is “not really, can’t you just take over this job for a few days?” but what I end up saying is “yeah, just uncomfortable.” Hey, they’re both honest answers so I just go with the kinder one. And I still get some sympathy.

It’s hard to really say if my core temperature is higher than everyone else’s (as the books tell me it is) but I am definitely starting to feel that way. Actually, it wouldn’t be hard to pull out our thermometer and find out, but I don’t care that much. I’m not a big deodorant person, but it’s looking like I might have to become one. It’s also getting on my nerves that certain activities are becoming more difficult i.e. all physical activities. I do have a good excuse to slow down though, which I never had before. Now I can come in last and blame it on the baby.

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