Thursday, June 9, 2011

Crib strength

We did it: we bought a crib! Baby Nugget will have a sleepy-time home other than at its mama’s breast or in some sling or something. And it’s not even some stupidly expensive, enormous, ridiculous looking contraption that also turns into a toddler bed, big kid bed, marital bed, Cuisinart, and wipes the baby’s butt for you (although that would be a nice perk). It’s simple and normal (and safe). Hooray!

This actually wasn’t as difficult a purchase as I expected. I still think “well, crap, what if we set up this crib and no baby gets to use it…” but I didn’t have a panic attic or start crying when forking over the credit card. I really thought this would be a bigger step for us—making a pretty big purchase for a baby we haven’t met yet—but I played it totally cool. I’m not sure what that means, but it feels good to look back and think my behavior was unexpected in a good way. We’ll see what happens when it’s time to set up said crib, but for now I am the victor!

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