Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Goal: Beer

Non-alcoholic beer is not the same, but it tasted pretty damn good the other night. I got the Guinness kind, so I could go around saying “Guinness is good for you” in an Irish accent (and because I figured it would taste at least somewhat decent). I had it ice cold, which is pretty much the point of beer in my mind, and I felt great sipping from a beer bottle again, like any normal summer evening by the grill. Last summer, probably a week before Wyatt died, I bought a six-pack of non-alcoholic beer. I had one before he was born; the rest I only recently cleaned out of the fridge and dumped down the drain with a sad face. I thusly decided it would be courageous and important for me to buy a six-pack and get through it this time. A triumph over beer, if you will. Tomorrow, when it’s 100 degrees, I’m going to sit at my patio furniture in the shade and enjoy another cold beer. For the sake of my goal, of course. 

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