Friday, July 15, 2011

hand me downs

Oh man, we just got a bucket load of hand me downs. It is so exciting. It was pretty fun to go through it all and just see all the cute stuff I never would have thought to buy or never would have bought for myself. There are some REI pants for a 6-9 month old that have those zip-off leg-parts, can you even believe it? Everything is of the “gender neutral” variety too, so we don’t have 8,000 pink things stuffed in the “in case it’s a girl drawer” (which we don’t have anyway). We basically won’t have to buy any clothes or toys for at least a year. At that point I imagine the grandparents will have sent us enough stuff to last way beyond that anyway! It’s also nice not to have to think about shopping. How do I know which toys are age appropriate? How do I know what size winter clothes to buy this baby? I don’t know, and now I don’t have to. Someone just gave me a wide variety, from a baby born just about this time last year, and we’ll see what works. Plus, your very own Average Joey got some sweet camouflage Capri maternity pants thrown in for free. Yipppee!
A very nice aspect of this handing-me-down was the time I got to spend with the mama getting rid of all the stuff. She kept asking me if we had certain things, from Wyatt, and wanted to know about important things like did I already have maternity bras if my milk came in last time--things like that which people either don't know to ask because they never had babies or don't want to ask because they feel sad and weird. It made me feel very justified as a mum, and sharing baby clothes felt like a very normal, mum thing to do too!

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