Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sausage party!

No, not that kind of sausage party. It’s really an individual event, and I wouldn’t say it’s much of a celebration. The kind of sausage party I’ve been having involves my fingers, my toes, 100 degree Colorado heat, and pregnancy. Mix together and poof! Swelling to the max. My fingers literally feel like I imagine sausages feel. They’ve got a tight casing and you can see the insides pressing on said casing (the insides are not spicy, cheesy, Italian-y or otherwise delicious sounding though). They feel so damn tight when I put them in a fist I can barely close my hand.  It’s almost to the point where the tips of my fingers don’t touch when the bottoms of my fingers do. And I can’t even begin to describe my toes…Yikes. Luckily, Dr. B said it would be completely weird if I made it through this kind of weather with my rings on. It’s just uncomfortable. In fact, I want to stop typing now. 

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