Friday, April 30, 2010

I think it's time to celebrate...with a nap

Now that my crazy season is over, I can come home at a reasonable hour. For example, today, Friday, I left work at 2:45. I also showed up around 10am. I find that quite reasonable, agreeable even. With two weeks left of work I think this is a good schedule and will do my best to stay on it no matter how hard that task may be.

The best part of said schedule is the allotted lie-down time it allows for. I’m not a great napper, but I am good at lying down in the afternoon and reading, which sometimes leads to sleeping, but not always. Recently, sleep has been coming more than usual, now that I am expending precious energy on incubating. Well, today, I got my dog, got my book, got Hubby’s Temperpedic pillow and went to town around 4pm. When I woke up it was still light out and it’s a beautiful spring day and I got to leave work early and lie down in my bed. Not too shabby.

But now I’m hungry.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Decisions are starting to matter...

So, as I mentioned, we’ll be moving. Across the country. Soon. Not only do I hate moving, I also hate adapting. I mean, I have to figure out the new library, grocery store, good dog walks, and on and on until something actually really important: a baby doctor. Oh man, I don’t even mean a pediatrician, I mean a doctor that’s going to deal with me!

Do I want an OB, who is technically a surgeon trained to get that baby out asap despite any complications? Or do I want a midwife, who is maybe more relaxed and less likely to tie me down to the bed and inject all types of drugs to get this baby out—but not capable of surgery and maybe like a cheerleader I might smack in the heat of the moment? I definitely don’t want some hippy under-the-radar uncertified midwifey person, like we saw in that movie. But the more research I do the more scared I am of spending labor tied to a bed (they used to just chloroform women in the late 1800s and let them “sleep it off”) in the prone position with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I guess some more research is bound to help, unless all the doctors are like Robin Williams in 9 Months.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

They're everywhere!

Or should I say we’re everywhere. Pregnant ladies that is. Literally, I see them everywhere. Did you know the lady two doors down is pregnant? How about at least one woman at every train stop on the way to and from work? And the opposing coach from the other day? I even saw some mama in the Boston Marathon with a six months preggers belly (she advertised the date on her back). None of the others have made me feel lazy, but that was bound to happen now wasn’t it. Jeez I guess I am slacking.

Hubby’s getting into strollers, so that’s what he sees everywhere. His fave is this BOB doohickey he’s trying to get me to save up for. Really Hubs? You need this four-wheel drive, double-decker contraption with shocks? I don’t even know what BOB is, but I suppose as long as one of us is doing the research I’m feeling good. Well, except about that bitch showing me up in the marathon.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How's your belly

This is what people need to know. If they were looking at me they would know: it is not big. It is not a belly. It is boring and disappointing, sorry. But since they are over the phone, or email or something, they just have to continue to wonder and picture me gaining mad amounts of weight and a huge gut. I guess in real life we have to wait for that exciting portion of the show.

I definitely have something in there, although it isn’t protruding too much. It’s like a hard lump, I imagine maybe some kind of cyst or growth would feel like this (something that’s not supposed to be in there). It’s hard like a one-pack, which I guess is better than being soft like a beer-gut-one-pack…but it’s still not much to see. Sorry pals.
Trust me though, I’m working on it (especially with ½ off Cadbury Crème eggs leftover from Easter). I’m not one to disappoint.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tinkle Time

They all said I would have to tinkle, but for awhile I didn’t believe ‘em. Now, my friends, I do. The books all said “frequent urination” is a very early sign of pregnancy—in some cases bothering the Preggers before she even misses her first period and has any clue she is knocked up. Because I had basically no early “symptoms” (I really cringe that they are called symptoms), I also thought I missed the tinkle train. Alas, it has come to pick me up. Gonna take that Tinkle Train to Georgia, haha. Fun song.

At work, it’s like a 30 minute timer. “Oh, Josephine’s going to the bathroom again, must be half an hour later. Better refill my coffee/check personal e-mail/make cell phone call, etc...” Apparently if you are normally a hydrated person you might not notice that the elevated hormones make you pee all the time because you are healthy and pee that often anyway. So I guess those dehydrated bitches pay in pee. But me, I just pay later than they. I suppose making it through 3.5 months without having to run to the bathroom (for this and that whole morning sickness thing) is worth the sudden onset of intense and frequent pee breaks, but as I said, I wasn’t expecting it. My mom, however, made this comment after I went downstairs to go to the bathroom once: “You think you have to go now? Ha!” Thanks, Ma.

Monday, April 5, 2010

More pictures and more blood

I saw another ultrasound. But it was trés disappointing; I could barely see anything. And to top it off, the technician was like “I think we can’t see so well because there’s sooooo much gas in there,” like I didn’t already know I was bloated to the point of complete discomfort and my pants not fitting and worrying that I would rip a toot at any moment. And she added “your uterus is so far back,” like I’m not going to think that’s a horrible thing and start panicking that I’ll have to have a C- section somewhere around my spine. But then the doctor came in and said it was okay and that my tight abdominals were doing a good job holding in my belly, which made it hard to find the Creature on ultrasound. So then I felt awesome and flexed my abs a bit. They poked and prodded some more, trying to get a good picture for me to take home, but the little blob was mostly interested in curling up in the fetal position (get it?) and not showing its kickboxing moves or newly formed features. So I got a blurry, fart filled photo for Hubby and that will have to do. Sounds great, right?

But the good news is the Doc said the nuchal fluid (junk in the back of the neck) is skinny and thin which means there is a low, low risk of chromosomal abnormalities and isn’t that swell?

Then I had to dump a gallon of blood down the hallway, and I have to go back in a month to do the same, and then they’ll hopefully tell me more good news involving said abnormalities based on my blood testing. I’m pretty good at tests, so I'm not too nervous, but I guess you can never really know until that baby pops out. Here’s to moden science. And free apple juice at the blood shop.