Monday, April 5, 2010

More pictures and more blood

I saw another ultrasound. But it was trés disappointing; I could barely see anything. And to top it off, the technician was like “I think we can’t see so well because there’s sooooo much gas in there,” like I didn’t already know I was bloated to the point of complete discomfort and my pants not fitting and worrying that I would rip a toot at any moment. And she added “your uterus is so far back,” like I’m not going to think that’s a horrible thing and start panicking that I’ll have to have a C- section somewhere around my spine. But then the doctor came in and said it was okay and that my tight abdominals were doing a good job holding in my belly, which made it hard to find the Creature on ultrasound. So then I felt awesome and flexed my abs a bit. They poked and prodded some more, trying to get a good picture for me to take home, but the little blob was mostly interested in curling up in the fetal position (get it?) and not showing its kickboxing moves or newly formed features. So I got a blurry, fart filled photo for Hubby and that will have to do. Sounds great, right?

But the good news is the Doc said the nuchal fluid (junk in the back of the neck) is skinny and thin which means there is a low, low risk of chromosomal abnormalities and isn’t that swell?

Then I had to dump a gallon of blood down the hallway, and I have to go back in a month to do the same, and then they’ll hopefully tell me more good news involving said abnormalities based on my blood testing. I’m pretty good at tests, so I'm not too nervous, but I guess you can never really know until that baby pops out. Here’s to moden science. And free apple juice at the blood shop.

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