Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tinkle Time

They all said I would have to tinkle, but for awhile I didn’t believe ‘em. Now, my friends, I do. The books all said “frequent urination” is a very early sign of pregnancy—in some cases bothering the Preggers before she even misses her first period and has any clue she is knocked up. Because I had basically no early “symptoms” (I really cringe that they are called symptoms), I also thought I missed the tinkle train. Alas, it has come to pick me up. Gonna take that Tinkle Train to Georgia, haha. Fun song.

At work, it’s like a 30 minute timer. “Oh, Josephine’s going to the bathroom again, must be half an hour later. Better refill my coffee/check personal e-mail/make cell phone call, etc...” Apparently if you are normally a hydrated person you might not notice that the elevated hormones make you pee all the time because you are healthy and pee that often anyway. So I guess those dehydrated bitches pay in pee. But me, I just pay later than they. I suppose making it through 3.5 months without having to run to the bathroom (for this and that whole morning sickness thing) is worth the sudden onset of intense and frequent pee breaks, but as I said, I wasn’t expecting it. My mom, however, made this comment after I went downstairs to go to the bathroom once: “You think you have to go now? Ha!” Thanks, Ma.

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