Saturday, April 9, 2011

oh, just more complaining

Have you ever had a bloody nose that just won’t quit? I’m not talking clots and clumps, getting knocked in the face with a basketball, picking some dry, uncomfy flakes only to unleash a torrent, or otherwise knowing the purpose of the nosebleed and thusly that it has an end-point. I’m talking about a steady, thin drippy kind of nosebleed that comes and goes randomly and seems like it’s just not going to stop because where did it come from anyway?  Yeah, well I’ve been having the latter style for well over week now. It’s not exactly ruining the laundry schedule or keeping me from work, but dang it’s annoying. And because this didn’t happen to me in my last pregnancy, I’m still caught off guard every time. (Google images has some weird "nosebleed" stuff: see image on right). notes that pregnancy brings on expanded blood vessels, more blood, and a greater bodily use of water which equals dehydration and dry noses/membranes.  All these lovely things mean we knocked-up are more likely to get nosebleeds. Luckily they’re manageable, but I’ve just barely avoided dripping on some important stuff (the chair, the computer, my white sweater) quite a few times now. The shower seems to really get things going, so I sometimes have to stand there and wait it out if I don’t want to ruin my towel. What a pain. But again, this baby things’ working if I have so many complaints, so really, I’m not complaining. 

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