Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's!

We played a neat trick on our team today and I was afraid we wouldn’t get to pull it off. A couple of them were quite excited for the day of pranks so we knew it would have to be tricky. That’s why, at our game, we got the referees involved. Before each game, the girls have to pass a “stick check” that ensures their stick is legal; if it’s not they can adjust it, so it’s not actually that big a deal, it’s just annoying. We asked the refs to say they were all illegal (usually 0 or 1 stick is) and they thought it was the best idea ever. Because they are referees, none of the girls dared to question the decisions, even though they thought it was quite bizarre and unbelievable and watched them do the check which, of course, seemed legal as usual. About halfway through the team, the refs started laughing and had to spill the secret and it was ha-larious. The team thought it was a good one, although one girl is still mad about it. Ha!

April Fool’s Day got me thinking about other pranks, tricks, and superstitions. For example, I am looking at flights and had a panic attack when one of my options was Friday the 13th. I promptly dismissed traveling that day, even though I first thought about how dumb that is (and it could potentially be the best flight and price). I guess I’m not going to take any chances this time around…why take the risk? I mean, some places won’t even have a 13th floor because it’s apparently so bad for you. Go figure.  

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