Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh, shopping

 Girls are supposed to love shopping, right? Well, for me, especially now, not so much. But online shopping—or at least online window shopping (what’s that called?)—has become a wonderful tool in my “subsequent” pregnancy.  If I get excited about looking for something, I can just do it. I mean, that’s the whole point of online shopping anyway, but for most people it’s the simple convenience factor of remaining on the couch that’s the draw, not the fear factor that’s the repellent (I suppose for some people it’s both). I can shop for baby and mama stuff without having to see smiley, happy, oblivious pregnant people everywhere I go who remind me what it should feel like and how sad it is I can’t feel that way.  Or I can at least online “shop” without buying anything so when I do go into a store I know exactly what I want and I can get out of there ASAP (for the same aforementioned reasons).

Now, we’re pretty conservative in what we think is important to have before Nugget comes (we don’t have any money anyway), but I still want to try to be a normal pregnant lady and have a little fun spending cash and dreaming about cute little clothes and fun , frivolous nursery decorations. The Internet is where I get to be that lady. I’ve braved myself into a few stores, but mostly at curious times of day when they’re not busy and I have errands to run so I can’t stay long regardless of what I find. You don’t have to be brave to type in some web address and look around! Actually buying stuff has become a little easier as time passes…but I’m still holding off on the big purchases. I just can’t do it yet. Sometimes I feel lucky we hadn’t done much shopping for Wyatt—there wasn’t too much stuff to seal away in the attic. But sometimes that makes me sad because he don’t have much we can call “his” and therefore hand-me-down to whatever little creature comes out. So mostly I’m just in a non-buying limbo, thinking about fun stuff we can get ready at some undetermined time in the future. At least it’s good for the bank account!
ps. this is only a dream image of Average
Josephine braving the world of cute onesies 
and other fun, unnecessary things

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