Monday, March 28, 2011

Planning ahead...or not

Merriam Webster says the future is: 1: that is to be, 2: of or relating to a time yet to come, 3: existing or occurring at a later time. Well, I agree—how can you argue the dictionary—but I am having trouble picturing the future of me and my Nugget. I’m enjoying the diaper shopping, don’t get me wrong, but it’s still a foreign idea that some little person is going to get to use said diapers. I don’t really think I took pregnancy for granted last time, but I sure didn’t think I would spend 7 months pregnant and not get a kid out of it. Geez. So my near-sightedness makes sense, it’s just not cool. People allow pregnant ladies to complain, so I am.

At the same time, I feel that familiar curiosity about what the heck is going on in my body; what kind of thing is nature going to throw our way? I know it’s human, since we’ve seen it on ultrasound. I know it’s okay, so far, so that’s good. But what kind of person will it be? Who will it look like? Will it have all its parts? What kind of private parts? What’s its name going to be? Will it even make it out alive? Is it then going to have colic? Is it going to slack off in school? The worry is never going to end. So maybe, for the sake of not stressing out,  it’s better to accept some of my inability to look ahead and enjoy the ignorance. 

Plenty of dumdums have successfully raised children, right? Eek!

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