Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oy, my back

Complaint: lower back pain. Ick, it is bad. I don’t recall this intensity last time, so maybe that’s why I’m such a baby about it. Haha, baby. But really, it only makes sense. This creature is starting to grow at a staggering rate (it has 19 weeks to get 10 inches taller) and I just read in some baby book that after 20 weeks is when they start to really pack on the pounds.  (I also just read that baby bears are 10 inches tall when they are born, FYI). In turn, I should start really packing on the pounds and my poor lower back will pay the price. The uterus has outgrown its little pelvic home and is apparently throwing off my center of gravity which makes me unwittingly arch my back at all times. Additionally, all that relaxin hormone is making my joints all wiggly which means less support from them. Oh, and the abs are beginning their four month stretch of stretchiness which also puts pressure, literally and figuratively, on the old back muscles. I fear there is no way to win. Sigh. 

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