Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kidneys? Check.

We went in for the “anatomy scan” which most people consider the “what kind of pee-pee? scan” but really is used for much more important things, such as making sure the baby is growing right and that it has fused it’s little spinal pieces together, has a brain, etc., etc. If you’re like me, you don’t want to know about the privates anyway so the whole thing is just a crazy, unbelievable science experiment. Really, it’s all x-ray vision and skeletal-outline and intense-close-up on stuff like the four (hopefully) heart chambers, two (hopefully) brain hemispheres, ten fingers, ten toes, and anything else structural you might need to know about. They look up the baby’s nostrils for cripe’s sake. How do they do it? Half the time I found myself getting emotional and excited about something cute only to hear it was the…placenta. Seriously. They check for the major organs and look for “markers” of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. Naturally they can’t check for everything that could possibly go wrong, but I’m feeling pretty good after they said everything looked normal and on target. Whatever happened to Wyatt sure wasn’t visible on any ultrasound, so it doesn’t make me feel totally secure, but for now it’s all I have and I’ll take it.

This is not the Nugget but shows how
 intense the ribs look!
I definitely had to squeeze Hubby’s hand a few times when I got nervous. For example, the tech lady would say “Ok, now we’re going to check the baby’s spine is complete” and I would instantly panic and have flashbacks about that time I was just barely pregnant and went in a hot tub which of course I have read can possibly raise my temperature high enough to maybe cause spina bifida which causes defects of the spine. Or “now we’re measuring the size of some body parts which will give us some ratios that tell us about potential chromosomal defects” so I imagine the head being twelve times larger than the stomach which probably means the baby will die tomorrow or turn into a hippo or something ridiculous. But Hubby’s hand withstood my crunching and our dear new Nugget passed the tests for now. 
As a bonus, the tech and doctor said that the baby was very modest and was not about to show its private parts even if we had wanted to know. So somehow I got someone who cares about being naked, hmm. 
And it’s a whopping 9 inches tall. You go, baby. 

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