Thursday, March 25, 2010

Telling everyone

Now that we have seen our child, and I am 10.5 weeks pregnant with less than 2% chance of miscarriage from this point on, we made the big announcement. Hubby scanned the photos (at the law school library, teehee) so we even had proof for the naysayers. I sweated my way through a few mass emails, dreading the responses that would come. No, I don’t have weird or mean friends, I just hate being the center of attention. Plus, it’s big news. I mean, what if I’m in that 2% that miscarry? What if it’s not beautiful and charming like me and is a total embarrassment because it can’t kick a soccer ball in gym class? Really, so many things could go wrong. But, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut anymore. Mostly we wanted to tell Hubby’s family who has been secretly hinting at becoming grandparents for some time. Hubby’s older brother has been slacking, so he should thank us for covering his ass. Since my father had me when he was 25, I guess you could say I’ve been slacking too. No more!

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