Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ultrasound time

Holy crap, today, we saw the creature. And it’s a creature all right, it even looked [somewhat] human! Naturally we had to wait forty-five minutes to get into our appointment, but at least there were some Men’s Health magazines for Hubby to occupy himself with. The other option was to look around at the a) geriatric patients waiting for the other half of the office or b) pregnant ladies bitching at their own partners about the long wait, their sweating problem, etc., etc. I perused LLBean until that got old and I daydreamed about winning the end-of-season tournament with my team. I call it visualization, if you will.

So they led us back, finally, to the secret ultrasound room. Luckily they asked if I needed to use the restroom because I did. Then, Hubby did, so I ended up stranded in the hallway with no one to lead me to said secret room. When they realized they needed me and my womb, I was found and we bustled into the tiniest, darkest, most tech-savvy room in the joint. Hubby, at 6’4” and nervous, stood in the corner and kept apologizing to the technician about being in the way. I laid on the uncomfortable set-up with stirrups and exposed my belly for the rub down. Suddenly this crazy giant head started kickboxing all over the screen. My jaw dropped and I think Hubby passed out but because he was crammed between the trash can and the counter he couldn’t fall anywhere so I wasn’t worried. We thought it would be this black-out TV screen that looked like a snowstorm or ant colony or something, and the lady would blab to us about what she saw and we would nod our heads and agree so we didn’t look stupid. But we could actually see it, without her even telling us! I knew we were smart. Let’s hope that giant headed creature turns out okay too.

ps. that's not actually my baby. I'm holding out for UsWeekly.

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