Friday, September 10, 2010

an ode to wine

One good thing that has come from not being pregnant anymore: drinking. Man, did I miss wine. I’m not against the occasional beer or gin and tonic mind you, but wine is a soother of my soul. Especially when said wine is furnished by my good friend Ms Wine Broker who knows wine so well, and me so well, that she can make a life-long match. And also when it is used as an anti-depressant, naturally. For all of you Black Widow fans, I’m jumping on your bandwagon.

Going without wine for eight and a half months was torturous. Obviously it was worth it, but really, I didn’t even know how much I missed it—that’s how good it is. Plus, it was awesome that I got an immediate wine-buzz after my first sip (two months later I’ve got my regular immunity back, but the first couple weeks I was totally wine-drunk on a half-glass, how economical!). If I could give something back to wine, I would. And it would be indescribably awesome. Like the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World. Thank you, wine, for helping me find the good in my sad situation. You are delicious.

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