Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Doctor

Hubby is on the prowl. No, we didn’t split up (like he could do better, please). He is trawling for health care. I know I have bored you with details about my health insurance before, but I have one more thing to share: it is possible to pre-negotiate how much you will pay to get a baby into the world. Hopefully a live one, but that’s another freak-out-for-the-future. Since Colorado’s crappy individual insurance will not deign to cover maternity, this is an important step for broke student-types like Hubby and me. We can get an idea ahead of time about what kind of ridiculous payments we will have to make “next time.” Again, this may be jumping the gun, as laws change in January and if Baby #2 waits until then we can get coverage and happily pay cheap copayments and go on our merry way. But, again, I am not waiting until January to at least give it a shot. (Technically Hubby gives it a shot, he he. Eww, sorry).

Thus, we find Dr. B’s prices, find them to be good, and therefore meet with Dr. B. He is the sole doc in his practice which means there is a 95% chance he will deliver the baby and a 100% chance he will be at every prenatal visit. For someone who plans to freak out over everything “next time,” this is good news. Plus ten. (I already know the secret that nurses are the key during delivery anyway—it’s the office I’m worried about). We head in there with our list of questions and our pile of records and the first thing he did was start talking about my lacrosse t-shirt. Plus three. He tells us Wyatt dying “sucks.” Plus another ten. He looks at the records and finds a gene mutation in my blood chart, immediately giving me three things to do to help. Plus ten. This is especially plus ten because I had to ask the last doctor what this gene mutation meant, and then I had to ask another doctor what to do about it because the first one said it wasn’t a big deal. Dr. B is also awesome because he went through the details, offering a couple potential reasons for Wyatt’s death, writing me prescriptions, and assuring me I can go skiing at altitude when/if I get pregnant. I have read morning sickness gets worse up there, but one worry at a time here. Plus twenty for the three. Dr. B gets a good score and a new patient. Here’s hoping!!

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