Monday, November 29, 2010

Tentative Update...

So, I know you’ve been on the edge of your seat, waiting for me to announce my late period. Oh, you haven’t? Well, let’s pretend you have been. Because then you can be excited when I make said announcement: said period is said late. Only two days. Enough to make me extremely nervous. Cautiously excited even. But not enough late to make me whip out a pregnancy test and go through that whole drama, nosiree. I know enough about pregnancy tests to know I can’t quite convince myself to do it. What if it’s too early and comes out negative but my period still doesn’t show up? What if it’s positive and then I get my period tomorrow? What if I can’t tell what the hell it says? What if it’s positive and I actually am pregnant and have to go through with this again? Holy moly people. Stress City.

Here’s the thing of it: I’m 99% sure I’m pregnant. I have the same symptoms as last time, such as: extreme, huge, bitchiness toward my husband occurring in completely random bursts; cramps in the baby-making region; crankiness (more than usual); the ever obvious late period. My mind plays tricks on me though, because I can explain away any and all of these symptoms. Watch me: Hubby is annoying; my period should be coming so I should be crampy; I’m tired and bored; I don’t really yet know my “cycle” well enough to call Auntie Flo tardy. But still…I know it’s true. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be brave enough.

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