Friday, November 5, 2010

Double whammy

One of my bestest friend’s mum died yesterday. She had a long, brave battle with the evil Brain Cancer. She was a warrior, and I’m talking Xena Warrior Princess, Brad Pitt in Troy kind of warrior. It’s just so sad. Why do we have to lose good people? Babies who didn’t even get to meet anyone, moms who are amazing? It’s a lesson in a lot of things, and a lesson nobody should have to learn. Why don’t they just try to teach us this crap in school and forget the “real-life” aspect of it? I mean, I know half the kids wouldn’t do their homework, but that seems worth it to me. So they don’t get an A in that class, big deal.

I’m feeling sad for my friend, for her family, for her mom…and yesterday on top of that I couldn’t stop thinking about Baby Wyatt too. It was like another round of smacks in the face. I was shedding tears for more than one person, and that is not a fair or fun situation. I never thought much about Heaven before, Dog Heaven maybe, but now I can’t stop thinking about how I hope there is a Heaven, and I hope the people there get to do whatever they want and be their best, happiest, shiniest selves. And I hope all the people I know in Heaven get to meet each other and see why they mean so much to me and how awesome they truly are. When I’m really sad I try to think of that and make myself believe that they’re having a good time, even if they miss us too.

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