Monday, November 8, 2010

Take Two

Well, I’ve told you how I want to make another baby. We don’t need to go into too much detail, but you know what that entails. Since I’ve boycotted sex for the past month (did I mention that I hate condoms-not something I noticed before, hmm) I’m pretty excited for obvious reasons. I don’t need to discuss Hubby’s elation, you can imagine it yourself. And I’m finally covered by “real” health insurance so I guess it’s okay to give it a whirl. (I say “real” in quotes because it is pretty crappy insurance and doesn’t cover maternity unless there are complications, and let’s face it the whole reason I need insurance is because I want a baby. If I—we—don’t succeed until January or later then all the health plans in Colorado have to cover maternity and my stress and worry will be for naught anyway; I’ll just have another kind of stress and worry but that’s not the point). The point is I am trying to dig up the courage to try again. And I still hate calling it that but that’s really what it is. Take Two. Attempt Two. Baby Two. I don’t know how I won’t be freaking out the whole “next time” but since I want a baby I’ve got to start somewhere. With some sex. I suppose that’s not a bad place to start.

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