Saturday, October 30, 2010

praise be, October is ending

I know I’ve done some bitching about October in the past, so I would really like to celebrate its closing with a bang. I haven’t come up with any Earth-shattering post to create said bang, but would that I could. (I bet you thought I was going to apologize to October for hating it, didn’t you. Fat chance). I can’t imagine an October that doesn’t involve missing Baby Wyatt like crazy. I can’t imagine much of the future like that anyway, but I think October will be especially sucky. At least we can remember his birthday as something good—who doesn’t like cake and ice cream, or for those gluten-free relatives screwing with my gene pool, ice cream cake—with a party and presents (for me, probably). Plus, July is basically when everyone in my family is born anyway so it makes perfect sense to throw in yet another day of celebration and just keep that train rollin’. Additionally, I was finally cleared for health insurance and I think—think—I’m ready to “try again.” Boy, do I hate calling it that. It sounds like last time was an Epic Fail (, which, as you know, does not suit my competitive drive. It just sounds sad. Well, I guess it is sad. To celebrate the end of October, I’m going skiing. Take that!

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