Saturday, October 9, 2010

I don't like October this year

I’m boycotting October this year. I really would just rather have it be November. I love fall weather, and I think Halloween is hilarious, but I just don’t care this year. While November weather is usually terribly raw and unforgiving (below freezing but no snow to play in!), it gets really dark by 3pm, and everyone starts to hide out in their houses because it is, as I said, dark and cold, I still would rather have October just be done with already. Why do I need to sit through 31 days of it? Where is Doc Brown and his time machine when I need him?*

We have plenty of great birthdays to celebrate this month, including my 85 year old nana’s, but we don’t have our own baby’s to be ready and thankful for. This is why I say screw October 2010 and bring on the future already. Skipping this month would bring me that much closer to having another baby—one that I could bring home, hopefully—and allow me that much more time to grieve and feel better about my life and missing Baby Wyatt forever. I never really had anything against October but this year, f you, month of the Opal.

*on a side note, I once took a class in the engineering classroom building (although I have never taken anything remotely close to engineering) and the bathroom was right across from a NCAA-bracket style “Best Scientist Ever” contest. Each week people (nerds) in the building could vote on the brackets, deciding who would proceed to the next round. Louis Pasteur vs. Marie Curie, etc. The finals came down to Einstein v. Doc Brown. I really appreciated the nerdy humor. And Doc Brown won. The DeLorean is amazing.

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