Sunday, October 17, 2010

Past due...

Wyatt was due this week. While I understand only 10-20% of babies actually come on their due date, it was a big date for me. Even though Hubby and his brother were late, and my brother and I were early, it was the best guess we had, you know? Since January we have had 10/14/10 stamped on our brains. We eagerly awaited October, curious about what would happen along the journey. We carved out October as a month of potential arrival. This is when all our last minute baby shopping would have taken place, and also when I would have been a huge, complainy person because I would have been uncomfortable and impatient. Instead, life went on without him. We found out he was a "him" almost three months early. I am not huge, and I am not complaining about pregnancy-related things (just other things, like health insurance). But 10/14 wasn’t that bad. I thought it would be terrible. I thought I would have to waste away on the couch with two boxes of tissues, the photo album, and sad movies. But I didn’t. Life went on. As it tends to do. My mum sent a beautiful homemade tapestry for her “mountain grandson,” and we received a couple nice cards from other parents and grandparents, etc. Someone dedicated the half-marathon she was running to Wyatt. Why she was running a half-marathon in the first place is beyond me, but I digress. Most people didn’t even know the significance of the date, which I think helped us just get through it. What’s a due date anyway? It’s not like the library where we get fined for being late. It’s not like a race where you get props for being early. It just is what it is. And now it’s gone. I do feel a small weight has been lifted, which is a nice side-effect, but I still feel very heavy in my heart.

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