Wednesday, February 23, 2011

veins? what veins?

I have certainly complained before about blood draws, and today is no different.  This is not because they particularly bother me; in fact, I kind of like watching it all go down. I complain because I have, basically, negative veins. The blood-drawy person always, always has to check both arms, often multiple times, and play around with the inside of my elbows, push around the stuff in there, ask me to clench and unclench fists about ten times, stand back and observe and think, Atlas-style, and so on and so on. It takes forever. Most people are in there for a minute, tops, the blood probably gushing like Niagara, at will. Hubby is one of these people. That’s good, because he is someone who doesn’t like watching…

Anyway, today the usual shenanigans occurred. Only I went home without giving the sample. That has never happened to me before, and I think to the nurse either!  Failures! Usually they poke around a little, wiggle the needle back and forth, push some things, and then the blood starts flowing. This time, nada. From either arm. In two tries each. After every trick in the book. Ick! It actually does hurt this time, and I have to go back in an hour to “try” again. I don’t know if there is any more room for needle holes, literally. Ow. 

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