Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dreams: Part 2

Sadly, I find it harder to recall the sexy dreams than the weird baby ones. I’m not saying these are going to come across as Letters to Penthouse V(which, by the way, we “won” in a Yankee Swap this winter) or anything, but I wake up from these dreams feeling that good things would have happened if only I could have slept a little longer, and that makes me happy. The dreams get to the point where flirting and happiness turn into the knowledge that better things are coming, like in college when you finally make a move to walk back to one of your dorm rooms together,…and then I wake up. I was always a little immature I suppose, so it only makes sense that I only “get” this far.

Let’s see: the other night I was in somewhere like a mall, coming up an escalator. Across the room was someone from high school who I sort of had a crush on but never dated or anything. Mostly we did school projects together and just when the flirting got going I went away to boarding school. In this dream I think he had a ski helmet on, and I was excited to walk over and talk to him. I got some butterflies thinking about it. But then he was gone and one of my college boyfriends was there, behind a table, like an information booth-table at a job fair or something, and he had a cowboy hat on and was giving just this big smile that he always had. This big smile made my heart fill up. Sigh. Maybe we waved to each other? I’m not sure, because I walked around the corner and kept going up the next escalator. Something else must have happened, because I woke up with a sly smile of the memories and feeling a little guilty that Hubby doesn’t usually show up in dreams….but I can’t remember the rest. Nuts.

Another one: there was definitely someone famous. Oh, I know, it was Andy Samberg. This one is interesting because I don’t find him attractive. He’s funny, and witty, and I bet he’s smart, and I love SNL Digital Shorts, but he’s kind of short and doofy and I’ve never taken a cheesy magazine off the rack in the grocery store to check out a story about him, if you know what I mean. So, I was on SNL: I used to babysit for the anchor of NBC Nightly News (true), and he thought I was hilarious (false), so he hooked me up with someone on SNL who gave me a cameo on the show with Gwyneth and Cee-Lo which recently aired. And I brought down the house! So at the after party everyone was all over me because I was so awesome. Andy Samberg came up behind me and put his arm around me, like around my shoulders sort of, in a backwards hug that was just friendly and flirty, but then after praising my performance he said some things that were not just friendly and flirty. For some reason we were in a corner of the room that was more like a dressing room, and he made eye contact with me in the mirror and was trying to make me blush. Eek! Again, we didn’t sneak away to get naked or anything, but I woke up with my body feeling like maybe that’s where we were headed…if I wasn’t actually just going down the hall to go the bathroom in my jammies in Colorado. Dang!

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