Sunday, January 16, 2011

Home Doppling

I’m not sure Doppling is a verb, but I think it sounds good anyway. It reminds me of German class. (Note: I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, it’s just an observation). So, home Doppling, as one could infer, is the act of using a Doppler at home. I suppose this could be for weather predicting, or some kind of research involving sound travel, but for me it relates specifically to the observation, and hopefully hearing the heartbeat, of Nugget. Hubby got me this incredibly cool Doppler contraption for Christmas; as many gifts tend to be, this one was bought equally for the use of the buyer as the receiver, but that’s okay, really. He needs my cooperation to use it anyway. The directions were definitely made for doctor-types, which makes me wonder how we got a hold of it (and really if we should be using it), but we figured them out enough to see that the heartbeat may be audible around the 10 week mark. Of course we had to try it this weekend, since Nugget hit 10 weeks on some previous weekday. I wasn’t sure I wanted to get my hopes up, considering the giant may looming in the directions, but we slapped some gel on the ol’ wand and gave it a whirl. I know my heartbeat ain’t in the 130s, and I don’t think there should be any other living creatures in my body, so it totally worked!

Now that it works, my problem is that I can’t become obsessed with it. I mean, working part-time leaves a lot of time to mess around with gadgets and Google stuff. Translation: find things to worry about. The key will be not to play with the Doppler every day and not use it in lieu of actual medical attention. Once this baby starts moving I know I can find some other signs of life and goodness, and hopefully not need to check the heart rate as much, but what if this one doesn’t move that much, like Wyatt? I had absolutely no idea he was dead because he never that much told me he was alive; if it’s like that again I’ll be going through tubes—no, tubs—of gel like some whorehouse. But I suppose anything that can ease my mind is worth it, right? Unless of course I find something on Google that tells me too much Doppling is bad news bears…oh dear.

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