Thursday, January 27, 2011

Night Tinkler

Holy Tinkle Batman! I’m normally a very hydrated person, so I don’t mind having to hit the loo throughout the day. Plus, isn’t it a nice break from work? Take a little stroll and stretch a bit? And no one can get mad at you for taking a pee break; what are they going to do, make you wet your office chair? Here’s my problem then: having to get up several times in the night to take a whiz. It helps me remember the weird dreams (Robert Downey, Jr. was there the other night), but it sure detracts from completing REM cycles and the beauty sleep I need. I’ve tried everything I can think of to get over this, but I think it is time to accept that is just is the way it’s going to be for a long, long time. I can’t exactly rationalize dehydrating myself and the Nugget just so I can be more comfortable at night, and I’m not quite at the stage where I feel comfortable buying adult diapers (it sounds kinda great, but in reality would you want to pee yourself and then sleep in it? Poor babies, and unfortunate weak-bladder-types).

I haven’t had too many pee-related complainy-stories yet in this pregnancy, but I can think of a few with Wyatt. For example, Hubby and Doggy and I had a great running loop around the local college campus. It was especially exciting on weekend mornings, after Friday or Saturday night men’s basketball games…Anyway, it got to the point where I knew every bathroom location on the entire map and pre-scheduled at least two pit stops per 35-minute run because I knew I would need them. There’s just not a lot of room in the bladder area when your stomach hasn’t stretched (and then even when it has!) and your body is jiggling around in jogging motion. Once we got to Colorado and he was even bigger, I had to stick to less-populated hiking trails because I knew I would have to take pee-breaks, even if I went before I left home and in the little bathroom hut at the base of the trail.

I would say excessive tinkling is an acceptable trade-off for housing a growing, thriving baby, but man does it waste some time! After all, I could be sleeping instead. 

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