Sunday, June 13, 2010

Everybody was kung-fu fighting

I said instead of complaining this time I would talk about something fun. I have chosen the topic of baby aerobics. This is because, for the past few weeks, I have been able to feel the Creature within. It’s completely weird, and I’m not always sure it’s a baby instead of gas, indigestion, hunger, or aliens—or anything else you could think of that may have reason to be in there jumbling around. Poor Hubby has been waiting his turn to feel it from the outside but it’s completely unpredictable thus far (and he’s really not that patient when I give him a tip and offer my stretched out bump). The best I can describe it is either like when you drink too much water and it sloshes around, making a little slap on the side of your stomach, or like hunger rumbles without having to do with hunger (although hunger is quite prevalent these days). I’ve also come to notice that 90% of the fetal karate classes occur in one quadrant of my belly so that seems to be a sign as well. While it’s pretty neat to feel something actually happening in there, I am trying to cherish the moments when I don’t feel much because, from what I can tell, it only gets more intense, more frequent, and more like a “real” baby: “hey ma, you think it’s time to sleep, WRONG! I’m hungry/bored/poopy/just want to cry and get your attention.”

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